Nine Realms Warrior Cuff Bangle - Stainless Steel
Great Reasons To Buy From Us:

This classic shaped Norse bangle features a centerpiece Yggdrasil symbol and Norse swords on each side of the bangle, adorned with intricate Viking artwork that covers the entire surface. The size of this bracelet can be adjusted by firmly pulling the bracelet apart or together until the desired size is reached. To avoid damaging the bracelet while adjusting, it is recommended to apply size adjustments slowly and to not exceed the product size limitations. Frequent adjustments may harm the bracelet. For more information on proper adjusting and wearing of this bracelet, please refer to our Cuff Bangle & Torc Bracelet Wear Guide.
Yggdrasil is the world tree in Norse mythology and its trunk is the center of Nordic spiritual cosmos. Nine worlds are connected by Yggdrasil, and all Gods go to this tree daily to perform their duties. In Norse culture and many other cultures around the globe, the tree often represents the eternal life. The constant cycle of death and rebirth brought the belief that life is cyclical and therefore eternal. The world tree became a popular symbol of such belief all over the Earth, and its imagery was often included in religious rituals or depicted on sacred charms.
In Norse society, owning a sword was a matter of honor and a sign of status. Most Viking warriors would go on several raids before they could afford this expensive weapon as it took up to a month to forge a single blade. As a result, these weapons were greatly valued by their owners with sword hilts often elaborately decorated or the blades being named. Some of these prized swords were handed down the generations of warriors, and the older the blade was the more valuable it became. Others were buried with their owners, oftentimes with the swords being ‘killed’ by bending or shattering the blade to prevent grave robbers from separating owners and their weapons.
Product Size: Adjustable, 7.09" (18cm) to 9.45" (24cm) circumference
Material: Stainless Steel
Shipping: FREE Shipping! Check Estimate Shipping Times Here
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